Friday, November 4, 2011

Fall Home Maintenance Guide

With colder weather on the horizon the time is now to do some routine annual maintenance on your home. Here are 4 areas to give some extra attention before winter strikes:

1. The Structure: If necessary fill cracks and holes with epoxy and re-caulk foundation seams to prevent water damage or cold air over the winter. Also replace weather stripping around doors and windows to keep them air tight. Any steps taken to increase the air tightness of your home is going to increase its energy efficiency and ensure you stay warm all winter long.

2. Heating, Ventilation & AC: Have your furnace inspected and cleaned by a licensed technician to ensure that come time to turn it on, it is working properly and efficiently! Also if your AC unit is outside, cover it (don’t wrap it) to keep leaves, snow and debris off until spring.

3. The Chimney: If you have a working fireplace the chimney should be professionally cleaned and inspected for any maintenance needed once a year; ideally before you need to use it!

4. Drainage: Cleaning your eavestroughs and downspouts is an easy way to keep your drainage from backing up over the winter. This should be done one time in the Spring and one time in the Fall.